Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Posting problems

The Chinese government appears not to like blogs. When I was in Beijing I couldn't access our site (or any site for that matter) and later learned that the government had blocked access to all sites. Apparently more than a few blogs take positions that the Chinese government considers to be, shall we say, unwise. So, I couldn't post at all in China.

The Japanese government takes a laissez faire approach to blogs, but Blogger wasn't so kind. I kept getting error messages every time I tried to post, and those errors were resolved only today.

This is a long way of apologizing for not posting for two weeks. Of course, our readers were probably ecstatic at not having to read the normal drivel spewing from our humble site. But, not to worry, there's more drivel coming and a lot more dismay aimed at Nationals' management and Major League Baseball!

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