Thursday, September 22, 2005

It's about time!

Frank Robinson will finally let Ryan Zimmerman and Rick Short get some playing time. Do you think Robinson is enthusiastic about it? Well, consider this quote:

"Let's see what has kept this guy where he's been," Robinson said, referring to Short's long minor league career. "Is he a usable part for next year?"

Frank, the guy was ripping up AAA pitching when your team called him up. What's so frustrating about this is that all of the data Robinson willfully ignores shows that almost any hitter who can hit well in AAA can hit in the majors. The Oakland As have made a living turning players like that into productive major league hitters.

Is there any hole in the Nationals' lineup that a guy like Short could plug? Let's see, I seem to remember something about the eighth spot being a problem...

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